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Old 03-08-2009, 09:52 PM   #34
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I'm impressed - you installed headers, then took them off and resintalled - all in a day. not bad!! I think that is a job that is over my head.

well I took the plunge and I drilled into my muffler and did the "crios" mod.

I just took it out for a quick spin but didn't have time to take any video. My initial impression is that it is a little louder/ throatier at upper rpm, and a little louder at full rpm. I notice more of a change at low rpm than I do at higher rpms. overall the change is not drastic.

I will drive it around like this for a week and see what i think. It was pretty easy. the drill only took about 10 seconds to punch trhough each side. I started with a small bit - a 3/8" and honestly - nothing changed. that hole was too small to notice anything. I then used a 1/2" bit and opened up the smaller hole into a 1/2" hole. when I fired it up after THIS hole, then I noticed a louder sound at idle. at low notice it's throatier. like if you were just rolling through a parking lot, you can tell there is a bit more depth to the sound.

immeidately after I did this, and I took it out for an initial spin - one thing I immeidately noticed was the possible thought that i lost low end..... I can't say for sure, but I am wondering if I lost a bit low low end power by doing may just be all in my head, because of people saying how a high flow exhaust can cause you to lose low end...but one of the first reactions I had as I drove away froma stop was "did I lose soem low end power" the next few turns I took, i hammered the gas, and I can't say that I thought it was any slower...

it clearly is NO faster...and I don't think it's any slower....but can anyone suggest their thoughts - could this mod cause you to LOSE low end power?

I'll drive it around for a week - see what I think. I figure if I hate it - I can always tell my wife I broke the muffler and now I NEED to buy afull Fabspeed sytem...


i htink she'll tell me to just sell the car... .
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