Thread: plastic window
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Old 04-21-2005, 01:35 PM   #13
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plastic window-keep it clean scratches less

Having owned several converts. (including a 356 Cab. for 26 yrs) I have found that if you wet wipe (paper towel, H2O, ok) and PAT dry with a paper towel (or other if you wish, but you can always find paper and even with paper if you PAT it, it won't scratch, but rub and it will!) and you'll only need to use Plexus once or twice a year.
The Boxster window folds on itself, upper outside against lower outside, and if dirty (believe me they pick it like static) it's like sandpaper. Check the wet paper towel when you clean it, it'll show some blackness you didn't notice. Some say it's too much work, no problem, they can Plexus weekly.
Free advice is worth what you pay for it, and I find that a wet towel in a plastic bag and some dry ones always go with me. My window seldom scratches, and rarely need to be Plexus'd. Tom
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