Radiator ducts
Hey thanks Boxtaboy. The radiator ducts are still there, intact. I think it would look somewhat awkward without them. With the ducts being black with the black grill mesh helps keep the vent area look pitch dark, just the way I like it. Who knows maybe one day I'll install some leds in the center mesh for a bit of accent...although that might raise some eyebrows.
Btw, I thought this was kinda funny. Had a discussion with another Porsche owner the other day and he gave me an analogy of the variety of Porsche people out there. Here it is:
1. You got your leftist - ultra liberal. Leave no mods undone. I think I fall into this group - although my budget probably would prefer to identify with group 3.
2. You got your centrist - the moderates. Some mods are acceptable even aftermarket. But prefer not to overdo it.
3. You got the rightist <--is that a word? - ultra conservative. Factory rocks! OEM approved items only.
4. And then you got some guys who probably fall somewhere between these different groups if it was a sliding scale.
I'm glad there are all these different groups to be honest, each can be appreciated in their logic and approach to ownership. So which are you?