Thread: First Ticket
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Old 04-20-2005, 05:31 PM   #14
mike cassola
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Minneapolis
Posts: 8
Talking A Few Random Thoughts

I have been tagged numerous times in the 21 years I have had a license and usually behind the wheel on an exotic German car. More often than not I have been able beat to my citations.

I show up to court an hour early because the city/county prosecutor arrives early to review the paperwork for that days cases. You will most likely find the prosecutor in the courtroom.

I introduce myself (to the prosecutor) and politely ask him/her if they have a minute to discuss my case. Basically I state that I am not a chronic repeat offender and that it has been many years since my last speeding ticket. FYI: This better be true because they will have your driving record since you turned sixteen. No Joking here...they will.

Normally they are willing to accept sort of a plea bargain. Do not admit guilt. Basically say that you are asking for a suspended/contingency sentence and agree to pay the fine but don't want the ticket to show on your record. They will tell you that you are not to get another speeding ticket for a year. If you do so, this ticket will go away. If you get caught again in a year, it's double whammy.

The reason they are receptive to this proposal is beacuse technically they did not lose the case and did collect funds. They also quickly got one resolved. The arteries of our courts are so seriously clogged with stupid cases like speeding that they just want to blow through them quickly.

I sincerely hope this helps you.

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