Originally Posted by RandallNeighbour
Timothy, I think you may have inadvertently led me to discover my squeak that is so annoying I want to drive my car off a cliff. Its only with the top up and it's behind my head somewhere. I could not figure out what was causing it but I'm going to try the adjustments found in the PDF you linked to above.
Timothy, did you actually replace your top yourself? I'd love to save the $$$ and do it myself this summer sometime but I was afraid I'd screw it up royally.
I only reattached the rear flap as Lucky described. Your description sounds very much like what plagued me. First verify the source by looking at how the top moves with respect to the clam shell when you push on the body and top from different angles to simulate bumpy roads and parking garage ramps. If you can park angled on a ramp, all the better. I didn't try this but it might help: if the two look close, slip a microfiber towel between and see if that quiets the noise while driving. In theory that would provide a buffer much like an intermediate liner sock help prevent blisters while hiking. It actually took me a few tries to get the top tension just right but you will catch on quickly.