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Old 01-25-2009, 03:48 PM   #7
Jake Raby
Engine Surgeon
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Cleveland GA USA
Posts: 2,425
The ways to avoid this are to realize the practical limitations of the engine and then compromise between them and performance.

This is a Porsche, nothing about maintaining it is supposed to be super economical, and thats been the same since the 356 days..

What is your overall goal with the car?

Just make sure when you DO spend the money (and you will at some point) that you make the most wise decision.
Your best bet would be nothing more than our bolt on component kits coupled to some ECU manipulation. Our way of applying component upgrades is different than others, because we develop the internals of these engines as well and thoroughly understand the real things that can be experienced while adding performance parts.

Compatibility is key and with our arrangements you don't have to buy them all at once- it can be a progressive effort that will equal the same net gain in the end.
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