You are missing the point; it isn't about saving any money.
It is all about a more thorough service procedure, which MAY be better than the method described in the book. This is what I've been trying to get some information on in this forum, before my original question got hi-jacked.
I've been maintaining my Porsche cars myself, for almost 40 years now, and the last alternative is to "take it in to the Dealer"... Particularly in Tucson, as you should know, which has had one of the worst service and parts departments, over the last 3 ownerships (10+ years), that I have ever experienced, anywhere.
But I almost forgot to thank you, for confirming that my 986 is still worth more than I paid for it, 3 yeaqrs ago.
Originally Posted by Kurt W
If there is even the slightest question in ones mind, why would you use something that would save $20 on your $20K car. I just don't get it. Go with the same formula that the factory uses.