Thread: Rehab Time
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Old 01-08-2009, 01:45 PM   #5
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I agree with new wheels...all in one's personal taste. As far as exterior paint care, there are excellent websites with "how to" articles. This link, Larry from Car Care Specialties, is a PCA supporter. I have been to clinics where he demonstrates how to use different products and why.

As far as your buffer, if it's not an orbital with adjustable speed, toss it and get a Porter-Cable; you'll do more damage than good, especially on a dark car.

Regarding your top, how is the canvas? After ten years, it may not be so good; why replace the window when you can have a new top with glass installed for not that much more these days?
2002 Boxster S
1973 911 Green FrankenMeanie
PCA DE Instructor circa '95
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