I picked up my car last night. Wow. Observations:
1. Much rougher ride. However, none of the dampering settings have been made and all four corners are not on the same place on the dial.
2. The car now handles as if it were bolted to rails on a roller coaster. Far less body roll and it's no longer sloppy. I did not feel any pitching front-rear either due to a problem with harmonic balance... but I'm fairly ignorant of all this and that may be to my advantage if it exists
3. I doubt I will ever drive across country with the wife on a vacation in the car again. She'll holler like a cat with it's tail on fire and ask me every five minutes why we didn't take the Lexus (or the BMW, which we'll probably have by end of year).
Kevin, what tire pressure do you recommend now? I can't seem to find it.