I just replaced my AOS using the instructions here. At first I was hesitant because looking at the access room I had doubts. I started to call a repair shop and a dealer. Independant shop quoted 13 hrs of labor @ $115 per hr since the eng need to be dropped. The dealer quoted $900 but advised they revised the removal process and don't need to drop the Engine. I said I guess I'm going to get down and dirty and try harder.
I followed the instructions from this post except one area. Instead of trying to remove the clamp that is difficult to remove. I just cut the hose and remove the clamp once you have the AOS out of the way. The new AOS came with a hose.
I also didn't bother removing the lower vacuum hose clamp until I was able to raise the AOS. You have more room to remove the clamp once you raise the AOS.
Brad, Thanks for posting this. It was very helpful.
Originally Posted by Brad Roberts
I also go ahead (from the top) and remove this bracket seen here with the blue arrow pointing to it. This will allow you EASY access to the clamp we will remove later from the lower portion of the bellows.
In this shot, you can clearly see the bolts have been removed and the blue arrow is pointing to the clamp that needs to be removed NEXT!! You can also see in this pic, how I removed the M6 bolt for the bracket and moved the bracket out of the way. The bracket holds the plug for one of the O2 sensors.
