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Old 09-04-2008, 04:33 AM   #28
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Brad Roberst

Originally Posted by Brad Roberts
Honestly? if it wasn't for the DIY writeup, I would have YANKED really hard on it and broke the bellows while removing it. I'm not going to reuse ANY of the old AOS? so why be careful?

I see people being "careful" to remove their old wheel bearings!!! Why? You want to save it for a rainy day?? If the piece you are removing is JUNK, then treat it as such. You are going to throw it away!


Thanks for the great article on AOS are spec racers using the modified versions of the AOS?

Second Question have you shut of your TC and if so how was that achieved plus disconnecting the TC override. I tried taking the fuse out but that also cause the ABS to stop working.


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