HELP! Starting but no Rev
Hi! I've got a small (or large) problem. I have a 2000 Boxster with 56K that's run fine throughout the past year I've owned it. I had a CEL come on last month, but it went off in a day and I thought nothing of it.
Yesterday it was running fine as I was running errands. After my last stop, on my way to head home, I started it up and it started pretty rough. It felt like it was going to turn off as it searched to hold an idle, but then found an idle at 1,000 RPM. Because I was concerned I turned it off, let it sit for awhile, and then restarted. It did the same thing. When I went to put it in first to pull out, I could push the gas, but there was no rev to the engine and it didn't get above 1,000 RPM. Can someone assist in what might be going on? It's sitting downtown and I have to figure out if I need to have it towed.
My thoughts were a vacuum line, but that was just off the little research I could get last night.
Thanks again and I appreciate your input!