Originally Posted by renzop
Does it really matter legally whether the engines blow up or not? Is it a car company's responsibility to have their engines last indefinitely? Porsche warrants that the car will run for 4 years or 50K miles and will repair it if it does not. After that any manufacturing defects are tough ********************.
Even if Porsche knows about a defective part, it is under no obligation to inform the public of it, unless it is safety related. How can Porsche know haw the car was driven by the first owner? Was all maintenance performed by an authorized service department?
I think an individual lawsuit by a second owner is irresponsible and frivolous. As a class action suit it serves no one but the lawyers. This attitude that I should be protected for every decision I make or anything that happens to me is what's wrong with the country. Its slowly squeezing our freedoms down to nothing.
:ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah:
As the resident libertarian here, I would tend to disagree with you here. I am fine about a class action suit in this case, where I BELIEVE the manufacturer is selling engines that it knows will grenade more than anyone would believe.
Even if the plantiffs receive no money, the company MAY actually fix the design flaw.