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Old 07-24-2008, 09:13 AM   #11
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Gatineau, Qc
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I passed trough all this with my speedbike, changing exhaust for straight pipe, drilling hole, emptying muffler padding.. to get that lound sound.. usually at detriment of performance, even if peoples think there engine is more powerfull when there is more noise, removing backpressure usually make engine less performant.

I think a porsche should be nice and gracious.. not have that hell-loud-mad-straight-pipe-noise..

I like my bike to be the loudest on the road, but I like my porsche to be sexy and gracious.

There is no point of deteriorating a such nice car to make it sound like a F1 (or a corolla with no muffler)..

that's my 2 cent..
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