Interested in installing a Stebro Sport Exhaust. What do I need?
I'm interested in installing a Stebro Sport Exhaust but I have a few questions. I was more interested in the PSE mod but in deep South Texas it will be hard to find someone to do the job and/or do it right.
How difficult is the install of a Stebro Sport for my 2002 2.7? I'm definitely no mechanic but basic maintenance and projects are within my ability. Should I have my local indi Porsche guy install it?
What parts will I need to purchase and from where do I purchase? How low can I get the Sport version direct from Stebro?
Do I just need the exhaust or will headers, etc. be required?
Thanks for the help and sorry if I sound a bit lost. I'm looking for a more agressive sound but I'm really not wanting to pay thousands for it and a minimal HP boost.
Last edited by RobZ; 07-22-2008 at 07:43 PM.