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Old 07-07-2008, 10:31 AM   #39
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: CT
Posts: 38
Originally Posted by Lucky

Sorry to hear about your engine failure.

I think the letter to PCNA is a good idea. Follow it up with phone calls, too.

My car suffered the dreaded IMS failure wihile with its previous owner. He had it religiously serviced at the local dealer, so they went to bat for him with PCNA. End result is Porsche paid for 75% of the total cost of replacement, despite the fact that the car had 69K miles on it and was out of warranty.

I think you have a stronger case if you can document the maintenance history and an even stronger argument if most of the service was done by dealers. Do you have any records from the PO?
Unfortunately I don't have any records from the previous owners. Through carfax I know it has been a CT car with 2 owners before me, but I can not verify maintenance history. I really don't expect anything to come of contacting PCNA, but I need to do it just to make myself feel better. Plus, if I don't let them know about what happened they won't have the opportunity to make good on it.
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