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Old 05-20-2008, 03:12 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Quickurt
I have to disagree slightly Perfect Lap.
I drove a ton of 2000 to 2004 986s, almost all S's. Then I drove the 2006 987S and I have to say in any single category there was not a breathtaking difference. Thing is it was superior in every category I can think of and when you add them all together, there is quite an over-all difference in the cars. Enough difference that I had decided I would rather have an 05 or newer standard Boxster over a pre-05 S.
Luckily I found my 06 S at the right time and place to get a very good deal from Brumos, who seldom understands the term good deal.
I guess its a subjective matter because on lap times its very close. It's not like we are talking V6 M3 to V8 M3. The one car I did drive that seemed to be a completely different car was the Cayman S. That was the first test drive after many laps (including autocross) in all the non-GT 996 Carreras, Boxsters (986 & 987) that made me consider dumping my current wheels for something new.
Obviously adding the rigidity of a fixed roof completely changes the ball game.
Short of the fixex roof you need to show me more than 50 HP for the car to change in dramatic way. A big reason I spent no money on power mods, just seat of the pants faster isn't fast enough for me.

I was referring to the steering when I said I thought the dif was minimal between 986S and 987S. I find all to be numb in the Porsche context. Take a ride in an old Carrera or 914 and you'll see what I'm talking about. The newer cars get heavier, more insulated/isolated and the big wheels and tires kill the whole old school pure-type experience.
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
GT3 Aero / Carrera 18" 5 spoke / Potenza RE-11
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BORN: March 2000 - FINLAND

Last edited by Perfectlap; 05-20-2008 at 03:18 PM.
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