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Old 05-11-2008, 11:24 AM   #243
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Originally Posted by fu03steve
i have a question. with the mid pipe and headers
which one set of cat are eliminated. does the CEL turn on?
On all 2000+ boxsters the pre-cats or warm up cats right by the motor are eliminated with all aftermarket headers except Fabspeeds which are a header with high flow cats.

Che, you need to bring a Fabspeed header knockoff to market and sell it for half the price. You'd probably sell a ton if you can make something like these. As you probably know, all the bungs in the world won't prevent a CEL from happening unless you have some cats.
'03 3.2L GuardsRed/Blk/Blk---6Spd
Options: Litronics, 18" Carrera lights, Bose sound, Painted to match roll bars.

Last edited by Adam; 05-11-2008 at 11:34 AM.
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