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Old 05-10-2008, 04:43 PM   #60
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Florida
Posts: 207
The carbon fiber faceplates will be available tomorrow on Ebay @ 10pm E.S.T for those who have emailed or PM me. We would have had it on last week but we needed to make some last minute changes. We initially used a computerized CNC router but the outcome wasn't good enough for carbon fiber material. So, we switched to a high powered water jet cutter that was capable of giving us the finish product we were going after. The results proved to be a huge success, wait till you see it! I also wanted to take the time to thank those who have bought a kit directly from my brother or off of Ebay! Well, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend! C-ya, it's pardee time!

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