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Old 05-07-2008, 11:54 AM   #26
Tool Pants
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A few years ago Porsche started using a vacum filler device, which most people are not going to have. Before then there was the old method. I assume you do not have a tiptronic.

Lift up on the lever. Warm up the car a while and keep the tank full. Put the cap on run the engine at 2,500 rpms for 10 minutes to get the thermostat opened. Make sure the tank is still filled. Run the car at 2,500 again for 5 minutes and every 30 seconds briefly rev the engine up to 5,000 rpm.

All this is for a car in a shop setting. When I bled my system at home a few years ago I filled the tank. Put the cap on and lifted the lever. Then I went for a 20 minute drive. I brought water with me in case the low level warning light came on to top off the tank, but it did not. When I got home I filled the tank to the max and closed the lever.

Don't burn yourself.
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