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Old 05-07-2008, 07:21 AM   #22
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Thanks ToolP and LilB for all of your help. I changed the water pump and replaced the serpentine belt with the help of a friend. I mixed porsche coolant and water to replace the coolant athat was lost and fired her up. The only problem is that almost all of the antifreeze leaked out and I the temp started to run above the normal 180 or so that is normal. I shut the car off and there was steam coming from the reservoir.

The hose that connected to the waterpump was a little worn and I had to special order it because almost everybody was out of stock. I have not gotten underneath her just yet but I am going to replace it as soon as it comes in in the next day or so. I could use any suggestions with regards to the car running hot and the steam from the reservoir. The fans in the front and rear are working fine and the thermostat looked alright.

Also, about how much coolant will I need?

Last edited by ultimate1; 05-07-2008 at 07:40 AM.
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