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Old 04-30-2008, 06:11 AM   #1
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CDR-220 w/ Becker Aux cable... now what?

Ok so I have the CDR-220 and bought the auxillary cable which i have heard many people speak about. I am planning on either keeping the CDR220 or getting a becker traffic pro... but either way i think this cable applies to both equally and there isn't any difference between the two head-units other than one has navigation and the other does not.

I have searched and can't really find the definitive info that I want. I have a few simple issues as follows.

I want to know if I can hook up say... a navigation system (one with bluetooth and a harddrive) so that i can 1- hear the directions on the car speakers, 2- use my phone handsfree via the bluetooth, and 3- listen to music from the navi's hardrive through the car speakers as well.

along with this endevour, is there anything else i need? any cables? electronics, or anything else at all? if this is possible does anyone know any products like this that are priced appropriately?

Lastly, let's say i don't want to get a navi... is there something i can hook up that has music playing capability and bluetooth so that i can at least listen to music via my CDR-220 (and the car speakers) as well as talk on the phone over the car speakers?

i have heard people talking of some different gagets on the market but i'm totally unfamiliar with all of this. whether i need this or that, bluetooth this bluetooth that, ipod adapter here ipod adapter there, ipod adapter everywhere. blah blah. i dont have an ipod either (and am not buying one) but i do have a PDA cell phone which runs off of windows mobile 5.0 and i assume at worst case i can play the music i previously downloaded off my phones 4 gig chip and onto the cars speakers somehow?

can someone point me in the right direction on ebay or to a store and also let me know if the stuff i'm talking about is even capable. as much input as possible is appreciated since i am more lost than i usually would be as to what is compatible with this little $15 cable i bought as well as dealing with the weird factory unit.

Last edited by ut_cougar; 04-30-2008 at 06:17 AM.
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