General consensus is that 00+ are the years you want to target for better piece of mind for reliability. That said, they cost a lot to maintain even if NOTHING goes wrong. Your 30k, 45k, 60k, etc services cost a fortune - $500+. Getting an oil change costs between $160-250. A set of tires - which will go fast, often costs 1K+ with installation and taxes. I doubt anybody in high school can afford maintenance bills even if the car stays in perfect shape. Furthermore, you insurance costs will be through the roof. 2D sports convertible for a young kid will have insane insurance perimiums.
If you have wealthy parents then I guess this isn't an issue, but it is still silly for somebody to get a 986 at 16. Heck, I am a few years out of college, have a very good job, can pay all my bills, etc, and I am still too young for a Pcar.
And lastly, while I am sure you will disagree with this statement you will almost certainly be a horrible driver when you get your license. Almost ever single male I know has been in some form of accident with another car that THEY caused since they start up to age 25 - even some of the most catious drivers I know. My first car was a beater civic (which I still have) and I was terrible at driving until I matured and gain a lot more driving experience. Heck, sometimes I still stink at driving, but for different reasons (NOT booze...fatigue) so it is better to wait