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Old 04-24-2008, 01:31 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by jdub2348
I looked at my first boxster yesterday - the only one for sale in my area - and i am very intrerested. its a 97 base boxster with 91,500 miles and the dealership is asking $12,995. my concern is that the milage is too high and im going to run into some problems. my question is: is it worth it to wait for a lower milage boxster for a few grand more or go ahead and pull the trigger now and buy this one.
Negotiate and buy it! If you really want to check you can spend $200 for PPI. Also, Carfax and take it for a test drive..check the roof, oil leaks and clutch.
Don't worry about it...Porsche cars are built like tanks.
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