Originally Posted by Kirk
Gary, you and I have talked before over on 6speed about your need for bracing with that intercooler. Unfortunately though, looking at your pictures I don't think the main bar would fit with the intercooler there. I'm not 100% on that, but it's my best guess from the photos. I think the only option would be to use a spacer to drop the bar down lower, but then you might have ground clearance issues.
If you're ever up in Northern California (which I don't expect), I'd be happy to take a look and probably work something out for you...
Otherwise the side bars look like they should fit fine.
Well...here we are a few months later...
the main bar fit...and it makes a LARGE improvment.
I could not fit the bar on top of the mounts as per the directions, mainly becasue of some intercooler that someone stuck on my car
But the bar fit below the intercooler with no problems.
The car feels more planted now than before. Thats the only way I can think of describing it. This was a worth while mod for me.
Thanks Kirk you did good.