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Old 04-01-2008, 07:45 PM   #1
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All the little hassles

I took the hardtop off yesterday. I also removed the winter tires and installed the summer rubber (p-Zero's). I left the car in the garage overnight with the top down after taking the hardtop off.

This morning, I took my daughter to school. Its drizzling, but the tops already down. I'm a bit to stubborn to up it up, after all I suscribe to the theory if you drive fast enough, no rain actually comes into the cockpit. But, the car feels terrible. Wobbly almost. At first I think maybe its too cold for my summer tires? Naaah, can't be that. Oh, no! Did I tighten the lug nuts? Yep. What could it be? 8 lbs of air pressure in both rear tires. I don't recommend it. Relenting to the drizzle, I finally put my soft top up and managed to completely crack the rear plastic.

Oh, well.

I got it right this afternoon. The sun came out and it topped out near 70 degrees. I got my tires properly inflated, top down again & cruising on the first really warm spring day of the year. Its worth all the little hassles.
SOLD - 2002 Boxster S - PSM, Litronics, De-ambered, Bird Bike Rack, Hardtop, RMS leak...

Last edited by fatmike; 04-01-2008 at 08:18 PM.
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