Originally Posted by Lil bastard
And, without the cats, you are certainly producing more harmful emissions.
If you don't have any moral conflict over this, then go ahead.

I guess the way I look at this is we all make choices everyday. If you drive your car versus riding a bike or walking you are producing more harmful emissions. Should I feel bad about taking my car to the track and creating the resulting emissions for a day of driving for pleasure? I'm not aiming this back at you Lil bastard, you are just stating facts but I get irritated over some of the hypersensitivity in our society that in many instances is just personal feel-goodism. There are people in my area that are letting their yards go to rat infested jungles because they want to spout out how noble they are because they are no longer polluting the environment with emissions from their lawnmowers as they drive off in old volvos belching blue smoke. Ok I'm done. Whew!!!