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Old 03-24-2008, 02:36 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by pk2

I have heard mixed messages regarding timing retard with these things. As a skip (2) tooth timing trigger, it gives you about 12 degrees of play. However, I got the impression with my AIC's instructions, that I might have to completely remap the timing, ditching the all existing loop, not really keen on that, I kinda wish with the meth/water injection I won't have to me with the timing.

Regards, PK
I hate saying it, but I think as long as their isn't an affordable piggy-back for the DME the best band aid for us is going to be the methanol injection. It's not like we're using uber amounts of boost here and the meth injection would certainly be like running race gas all the time. What kind of race gas are you using btw? I found a place in Ontario that's selling VP MS 109 for 64.00 for a 5 gallon drum. I want to run leaded C16 but I'm too scared of killing my o2 sensors
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