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Old 03-24-2008, 01:17 PM   #1
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Its funny this thread came up. I took my wife for her second Box session yesterday. She did okay starting and stopping at first, but then stalled out and lost some confidence in starting out.

She did enjoy turning sharply, though, and shifting gears. I also made her go in reverse a couple of times so she's used to where R is.

I think she'll really like driving it once she's comfortable with starting from a stop.

I've also let my dad drive it. He had a 911 Targa back in the 80's when I was a kid, and a 944 before that, and a 924 before that.

We had to go run an errand and I asked if he wanted to drive it (my 986S). I then turned to put my shoes on and when I turned back he was already in the car starting it up. We drove some cloverleaves and he kept the RPMs between 4k and 5k... and had a huge kid-in-a-candy store smile the whole time.
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It's not about the summit, it's about the climb.
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