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Old 03-23-2008, 06:40 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Lil bastard
Hey, don't forget to take it easy on the right foot through the break-in period.

Your car will thank you later, and despite several claims to the contrary, be sure to do an oil change in the next 600-750 mi., it may be the best maintenance money you'll spend.

Don't drive at constant speeds or RPMs and avoid excessive idling 'til you hit 1k on the Odo.

But, more important, I wasn't beggin' for Bikini pics (though I certainly wouldn't look away), I just think that any chick who's handle is LoveBunny and who drives a Boxster must be pretty HOT! Forget those few hypercritical posters. All women are beautiful in their own way!

Yeah, I'm trying not to rev it too high during break-in. I had a conversation with the salesman about how long I should not rev it past a certain point, and he said it's not as bad as long as you don't keep the RPMs high and sustain that. I've been trying to keep them under 4,000, but it's hard. I was racing a train last night (as in next to it, not trying to jump in front of it) and I was up to 5,000 before I knew it. And btw, I made it to the train crossing WAAAYYYY before the little barrier things came down.

It's a 2008. I didn't get a lot of options, but the ones I got were Bose, 19" wheels, power heated seats, wind screen, and I got a tire warranty which will very possibly pay for itself considering the way our streets are around here.
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