Originally Posted by grantmac1
ive recently bought myself a 1999 boxster 986.when i bought the car i test drove it and everything was fine i handed the money over and away i went on the 3 hour journey home as soon as i got to the first bit of open road i opened it up heard the lovely sound come out of the engine shifted in to second gear then bang it cut out on me i pulled over started it up again and gently drove it home chugging and banging most of the way home.the next day it started up perfect i went up the road in it but as soon as i put the engine under presure it cut out and started popping and banging again.so i took it home and changed all the plugs and this has improved it but its still not right cos instead of it dying on me at 3000 revs it now revs to 5000 which it struggles to get to then it feels like a rev limiter has cut in at 5000 and wont go any further but it doesnt cut out it just wont go past 5000 and its really flat and has no power.ive put a brand new set of 6 coils on it and still its no better ive had it plugged in to my friends computer and its showing no faults what so ever.could it be the air flow meter.ive even unpluged the air flow meter and it still runs exactly the same and does not throw the light up on the dash.from cold its very jerky and horrible to drive till it gets warm,it idles fine it doesnt cut out at traffic lights or anything like that its just very flat,slow and wont go over 5000 revs and im hoping you good people can help me out with what it might be.thanks grant.
It sounds like you may have a fuel delivery related problem. You might want to consider changing the fuel filter or fuel pump. More unlikely, you might just have old/bad gas that's just not igniting under higher pressures (loads). The car's probably got to go to a mechanic to know for sure.