Thread: Please advise..
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Old 03-10-2008, 09:12 AM   #25
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I am member of Mardi Gras PCA, but haven't been to any events yet.
We should plan for a party!
Email me.

Originally Posted by Gary in BR


Local PCA stuff.

I was the membership chairperson for 2 years for our chapter.

I am in Whiskey Bay, by PCA rules Whiskey Bay covers East Baton Rouge Parish all the way to Texas.

Because of the closeness of everyone in BR and NO area we cross into and out of the clubs alot. PCAs charter is desinged so that if you are a member of the national club you can go to any clubs events.

The New Orleans clubs web site is

Because of the vast amount of the state that the Whiskey Bay club covers we alternate between "Baton Rouge" and "Lafayette" events.

This month is the oddball month. This past weekend we went to Ponchatoula to a German restaurant. and in April I think the 12-13th we are having our joint event with us and Mardi Gras region at No Problem Raceway

I dont have all of the details for the multi club event, but I know there will be a Porsche car show, a band, BBQ, club race, and touring laps for those not in the race, last year they even set up a tour of plantation homes and antique shopping for those that do not want to be at the track (by no means will I say for the women because we have a few female members that can drive rings around some of the men Renee (female) in her 997 GT3 knows what I mean) As soon as everything is final I was planning on posting here.

I think joining the PCA is well worth it. The magazine, the discount for parts at the dealership. The events are good also. We do Tech events, dinner, road rallies, DE's its a pretty diverse group of cars. 356 Speedsters, all sorts of 911's, a Gembella 996 Turbo, a few members have Lambos and Ferrari's and they bring them out. 997 GT3s, a Twin Turbo Boxster. A highly modified 996c4 (the C4 is amazing), Caymans and 944's. You name it we have it.

I hope this does not count as a thread high jack; the question was asked if there were any PCA members.
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