I have been investigating jack pads and such as I wait for delivery of an '08 Boxster S. I stumbled across a site where a fellow makes what he calls liftbars for raising one side of a 928. It certainly looks like an excellent way to jack up a side of the vehicle and be able to place jack stands in a good location.
I contacted him and asked if these would work on a Boxster or if he made these for a Boxster and he replied that they would not work on a Boxster but he was interested in potentially making them for a Boxster but needed a subject to do measurements and to test the fit, etc. He lives in Portland, Oregon. If a Boxster owner in that area was interested in contacting him and doing this it may be a good product many would want.
His website is
www.liftbars.com and his name is Ken. You could contact him via e-mail through his web site. Check out his site.