Thread: O2 sensor code
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Old 02-18-2008, 04:16 PM   #1
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O2 sensor code

I'm getting a P0150 code on my '99. RennTech describes the code as "Oxygen Sensor Ahead of Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Intercore Short Circuit or Limited". My guess is that this was caused by me beating the hell out of the frozen flange studs when I installed new headers. I read after the fact that the O2 sensors don't like shock. They got more than that. During the header install I tried to remove the sensors but they were also frozen/rusted in place. They are only about 20k miles old. It looks like the connectors are good. Doesn't look like the Durametric software is seeing any voltage.
Hmmm... these cheap headers aren't turning out to be so cheap. Good thing my tax refund is coming soon.
Anyone ever get that code?
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