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Old 01-13-2008, 07:14 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Gary in BR

i need to fly you down to louisiana to do his project and the boost controlled muffler bypass!

i would like to do all 3 bars.
Tonight I measured and my intercooler is 5 inches from the ground and my rear sway bar is 4 1/2 inches from the earth.

If only the side bars will fit. will they make a difference?

What other measurements do you need from me to decide if we can make the bar fit?

The main lower stress bar sits about 1/2" higher than the lowest spot on the rear sway bar (when the car is raised up). But it mounts below the sway bar mounts... I've looked under my car three times now and looked at your pictures and I still can't say 100%, but to me it doesn't look like it will fit. Complicating matters is that I've got a 6 speed transmission which confuses things when looking at your 5 speed. What matters more than the height of your intercooler is how far forward from the sway bar it's mounted. The stress bar mounts just forward of the sway bar and it looks like it would interfere with the rear-facing pipe on your intercooler.

Again, with a spacer though you could mount the lower stress bar below the support braces that run along each side of the car, rather than on top of them, but you'd lose about an inch of clearance in the rear. On a lowered car that could be a big problem.

You could also grind out a section of the braces (they're aluminum) to make room for the lower stress bar heim joints to mount them from below without a spacer, but I would not recommend this.

In your case I think the side braces could make a big difference simply because you don't have your stress plate installed at all now!

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