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Old 01-12-2008, 10:45 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by geoff
I didn't see this mentioned anywhere, so I'll ask. How much does the stress bar weigh? Both Kirk's and Pedro's. Are these things small enough that the weight is insignificant?
If this is a gotta know question I can take them off my car and measure them. I was a bit anxious when the latest iteration came in and installed them right away, so I didn't get a chance to weigh them first.

I did weigh the 2nd iteration bars though and they were really light - less than half a pound each, but those were smaller diameter aluminum bars. The latest iteration that is the subject of the group buy has a steel main bar and larger aluminum side bars, so it's definitely heavier, but still under three pounds. In my book that would count as insignificant.

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