Thread: Is it just me?
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Old 01-10-2008, 08:52 PM   #11
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Dallas/Waxahachie, Texas
Posts: 46
Originally Posted by timothy
Each morning in Dallas a battle unfolds between warp speed SUVs and left lane sleepers yapping on their cell phones. Meanwhile I sit in traffic jams caused by their accidents and dream of installing rail guns in the front fenders. Hey, it works in video games.
I think we're driving the same Dallas freeways timothy - and those accidents seem to come in waves, as if the bozos are suddenly set loose at the same day and same time on the freeways - then for a day or two there will be a lull with relatively few traffic slowdowns that give you a false sense of peace - then the next several days back to total and complete traffic back-ups.

To quote John Muir in the 1969 "How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive, A Manual Of Step By Step Procedures For The Compleat Idiot" (a recommended read even if you don't own a VW beetle - much more than a typical car manual, very funny with some great illustrations): "If we all constantly drive as if we were strapped to the front of the car like Aztec sacrifices so we'd be the first thing hit, there would be a helluva lot less accidents."

That quote comes to mind everytime I drive by an accident.
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