Originally Posted by JAAY
Lets just fix the power issue with a 125shot of nitrouse and pray everytime you squeeze. Cost would be under five hundred and fast install with real results
I like the Idea of a seamless power on demand. Living in a mass sprawling metropolis, you got get your jollies when & where you find them. A surprise lack freeway traffic, an empty sweeper of an off ramp, forgotten old side streets. or some semi protected hilly twistys.
It would seem a tank of gas will use about a gallon of H2O/meth. Funny thing, and give me your opinion: I’ve “heard tell” of people happily using windshield washer fluid for there WI. I presume it’s because it’s a nice blend of alcohol and H2O. I haven’t looked into how clean the water is or its percentage in the mix and what else might be in there.
Regards, Peter