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Old 12-20-2007, 04:47 PM   #3
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Also be cognizant of some of the many variables that go into a test like that:

Ambient air temp - cold, hot
Pavement temp - cold, warm, hot
Pavement condition - new, old, cured, broken, oily/slick etc
Tires : brand/composition and temperature
Driver experience (the largest variable)
manual vs tip
Existing clutch wear
Launch technique (and related, shift points)

I don't think seeing a .5 sec difference among published times is uncommon based upon these many variables. It has been my experience that Porsche reported times are conservative vs what car magazines are able to get in their tests.
1976 914 2.0
2000 Boxster 2.7 (sold)
1978 911 SC (sold)
1970 914 w/2056 (sold)
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