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Old 12-07-2007, 01:26 PM   #9
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Virginia
Posts: 846
Bartering chips? yes. But then again, if the dealer has held onto it since July, he may still be willing to hold onto it. Perhaps he only paid a $9K trade value for it and is willing to find the "sucker" who will pay $13,5-14 for it.

Also, I doubt he would let you take a car to another shop for a PPI. Too risky for him. At 78K miles, you might be looking for a new clutch. Also, suspension bushings, shocks, springs may be close to needing replacement. How are the brake rotors and pads? Coolant tank replaced? Updated cap at least? Any paperwork on the motor?

Don't be fooled by the low entry price. If under 21, how would the insurance be? Are you paying cash or financing? ( I bet loan rates on a 10 year old car aren't cheap) Do you have another $2k sitting around to pay for the "minor" things that will go wrong?

High risk for medium to low reward. there are lots of boxsters out there. Be patient. Find a "good one". Good luck!
1976 914 2.0
2000 Boxster 2.7 (sold)
1978 911 SC (sold)
1970 914 w/2056 (sold)
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