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Old 11-15-2007, 08:59 PM   #1
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Finally some pics

Well, been on this forum for 8 months or so, and haven’t posted any car pics. There’s a reason for that: never knew how. So I enlisted the assistance of my son and he talked me through it. So here goes…

First, some shots at home, take awhile ago:

Zoom to the present. On a whim (ie nothing better to do) my two sons and I went out tother night in the (freshly detailed, thank you for all your sage advice Perfect Lap) Box, to a freight shipping depot where they had some neat lighting of the parking areas. Took quite a few shots with (as usual) only a few decent ones on close examination.

Made some adjustments on this one, playing around with brightness, contrast, hues, etc. Originally you couldn’t see the trees in the background; I think they add kind of a spooky quality.

A couple action shots. (At one point a trucker pulled in, needing to back up to the loading dock; my kid shot these as I hastily moved the Box outta the way).

A darkly still life:

And (I think) my fav (somewhat photoshopped to remove some ugly vehicles). Has kind of a sinister look about it. (Or, sometimes when I look at it, the car gives the impression of being on a ball field, on home plate, with the pitcher’s mound and 2nd hidden by the car, and 1st and 3rd out of the frame to the sides.)

Which brings me to The End...

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