Tim, when your pre-03 Boxster's plastic window starts looking like crap, or cracks, you have a couple choices - pay an upholstery shop to remove your top and sew in a new plastic window, or replace the top.
If you replace the top, you can replace it with a top that has a glass window. A couple differences, though. One is that the window is smaller, and the second is just how it attaches to the bows in the top. It's not TOO hard to do yourself. Both Robbins and GAHH make replacement tops with glass windows.
2001 Boxster - Grey on Grey
1969 911T Targa - 'Stinky'
http://www.zoto.com/frayadjacent/img...f27a-4a399.jpg <---- my car. ^ crap I post.
"The existence of the flamethrower is evidence that someone, somewhere once said 'I want to set those people over there on fire, but I don't want to have to walk over there to do it.'"