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Old 11-07-2007, 09:44 AM   #1
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Smarttop / Autotop....

Since I installed the glass rear window top on my 986, and now don't need to do the 'chop', I figure something like the Smarttop or Autotop would be pretty slick.

I've seen the Autotop for about $130, and the Smarttop for $299 (I think I saw it somewhere that was linked here for about $160). As far as I can tell, the Autotop does one touch operation, but you have to do the Pin 18 mod for the speedo bypass... but the Smarttop doesn't need any changes.

Anyone have any links or sources or opinions?
2001 Boxster - Grey on Grey
1969 911T Targa - 'Stinky' <---- my car. ^ crap I post.

"The existence of the flamethrower is evidence that someone, somewhere once said 'I want to set those people over there on fire, but I don't want to have to walk over there to do it.'"
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