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Old 11-05-2007, 11:08 AM   #13
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Assuming you still want responses on your questions...

Quote: "If i wanted the optimum finish without the use of a machine polisher, Should i realy invest in poorboys. is there a clear differance???"

Poorboys is the first and only swirl remover I've used. (I am new at exterior detailing, but have figured a few things.) Used SSR 2.5 on my old 'beater car' '96 Camry and it worked well. I was, however, using my (recently purchased PC 7424)---basically practice for ultimately using it on the Boxster. The directions on the SSR 2.5 indicate it can be used as a one-step swirl remover/polish, but if I had to do it again I'd probably get some of the SSR 1 to finish off that step. (Or some Menzerna Final Polish.) Like I said, though, it came out pretty well. I think without a random orbital, though, it would have been a hellava lot of work. Recommendation: get a PC (or whichever brand you favor)---they're not that expensive in the grand scheme of things.

Quote: "what is the deal with S100 Carnauba Wax"

Not sure exactly what you're asking. I got some S100 recently and used it on the Box. Very nice stuff. If the paint is cleaned and buffed up nicely before applying the S100, it comes out beautiful. It's actually pretty fun to apply and remove, but don't let it dry too long because it can become more work to remove. (If that happens, you can spray it with a little QD to make it easier to remove.) It's my understanding that the S100 is more or less the same stuff as P21S wax, but like half as much. It's available at a lot of Harley Davidson dealerships. Being carnauba, it won't last anywhere near as long as an acrylic, but I like the look of it. My Box is garaged and doesn't spend a lot of time in the rain and sun, so it lasts a pretty long time for me. I top it off from time to time with some Werkstatt's Carnauba Jet (which is even harder to remove if you let it dry, but is a very good product).

Quote: "What highlights the silver the best.??? "

Dunno. Hey, 2 out of 3 ain't bad, Right?
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