Originally Posted by rick3000
I haven't got PSM, and from my point of view it would probably help driving in rain and snow. But considering the fact that cars didn't have any sort of traction control until a few years ago, it does not make a huge difference. I enjoy my spirited driving without the PSM, and in conditions when it might help me from spinning off the road, I'll just slow down. It is no big deal, just tame your driving to fit the road conditions. And in response to boxsterz, what your getting at is that PSM boxsters can go faster on twisty roads and in poor road conditions. But who cares about speeding up the mountain in the snow, or speeding up on an average day. Unless your racing someone it doesn't matter and if you were racing you probably would be professional enough to turn the PSM off.

FYI most "professional" drivers and top level racing venues are deeply involved in stability control and dynamic steering. I care a great deal because that's where all the fun is

. I understand that many box owners are like you, more sedate. However, for those more performance oriented drivers, PSM allows for deeper and more frequent probing of the limits. PSM gives you that edge because it allows you safer driving. Safer driving allows for MORE driving. And practice makes perfect. What I like to do is drive outside the PSM bubble. If I get into the PSM threshold then I probably went too far. I know I crossed the line.
I would like to point out -- Those that have no experience with PSM or do not have PSM equipped cars are the naysayers. Interestingly, you are mostly base owners. That says a lot. Who here WITH PSM would rather not have it in exhange for a few hundred dollars back? I don't think anyone. That really IS the group to key in on.
Truth be told, I find many of the objections to be base owners who really have no insight and are defending some kind of inferiority complex. Whatever the case maybe, a side by side test with a PSM car would be very revealing.
PSM is very sophiticated compared to your garden varienty stability control in other cars. It is universally lauded for it's unobstusiveness. And having driven one extensively, I'd have to agree with the automotive press. PSM gives you that confidence in finding those limits, where as you'd shy away without it. In the end, it depends on what kind of driver you are or want to be.