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Old 10-16-2007, 10:34 AM   #9
Gary in BR
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Originally Posted by jhandy
What kind of warrenty do they give on the parts? Do they cover the cost of the engine if it blows up? Is there any internal modification like Gemballa does?

I think there is a 90 day on the kit, and i dont think any tuner besides Gemballa or Ruf cover the engine. and the are no internal modifications.

From my understanding because the turbos are set to only produce 6psi and they are an intercooled psi the engine is safe.

If someone tried running 15 or 20 psi I think the engine would turn into a bomb.
99 TWIN TURBO Boxster 175k+ miles

Growing up the car magazines said how amazing Porsches are. Was I brainwashed? Somehow...I doubt it.
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