First, why did the alarm not go off if he the locksmith guy was waving a metal rod around on the inside trying to open the doors and trunk? Wouldn't the motion sensors inside the car detect movement and sound the alarm? 2nd, if he could reach the center console and press the door lock/unlock button, then why not just have him hit the trunk release button? By the way, without the key in the ignition, the inside door lock button does nothing. It's just a safety feature while your driving to have so you can lock the doors from the inside. You know, like if you go through a bad area and are afraid of getting car jacked. And last but not least, make sure your wife buys you a new key!

Not sure how you lost a single key? Was it not on a key ring with other keys, like your house key? It should not cost $400.00. You can buy a blank key fob on e-bay and have the dealership reprogram it and cut it for you for $220.00. That's what I did to get an extra one.