You just never know when or why the ugly jealousy thing will rear its head. A few years ago I was driving my old '78 911 SC on I-5 NB in Portland. I'd just put on four new Bridgestone Z-rated tires and was enjoying the quiet ride and difference in handling the new tires gave the SC. I was putting along in the fast lane just above the 55, passing the slower lane traffic in a leisurely way. Two kids in a beater Toyota truck saw me approaching from behind and changed lanes into my path so I would have to slow down. No biggie I thought, and changed lanes to pass on the right. They weren't having any of that, and changed lanes again to block my pass. A little pissed at the delibrate provocation, I returned to the left lane and accelerated to get past these idiots. As I approached 70, the Toyota SWERVED into my lane and slowed to about 45. The driver was fully aware of my presence, making eye contact in his rearview mirror. The passenger kept looking back and grinning like a retarded baboon. I then made the mistake of flipping off the two wackos. Toyota man jammed on his brakes to nearly a dead stop in the fast lane. To avoid hitting the P.O.S. truck I really smoked my brand new tires. I just couldn't believe anyone could be so relentlessly petty as to put us both at risk like this. I quickly got off the freeway at the next exit, noticing meanwhile that my new tires now had flat spots enough to induce a slight thump with rotation. Lesson learned: Don't let things escalate like I did. Just leave the scene by turning off or slowing down. The next brain dead juvenile you encounter may have a pistol.