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Old 09-01-2007, 05:36 AM   #7
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Join Date: Aug 2005
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Is it the cars or the drivers?

One consistent theme in these postings is the Boxster drivers are first doing something wrong. Sometimes it is rolling through a red light, sometimes jumping lane to lane and passing on the left.

In my neck of the woods, the "after the game" antics would have gotten you an aggressive driving ticket good for at least $1000.

And what you thought was 5MPH rolling, may have appeared to be much faster because you were only at 5 for a split second.

Now were the people who confronted or changed lanes to block you right? No, it isn't their place do do either (and the latter brings a ticket with big $$ too, nor is it wise) but think of what you did to provoke. Had a few brewskies at the game, did ya?

And your attitude...'how dare anyone slow me down, I'm superior'.

Let me assure you Porsches crumple easier than Civics and are much much more expensive to repair (if it can be done at all). And our bodies crumple too ....

Drive safe
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