Idiots Hate Porsches
So I'm heading home from Fenway Park after another Red Sox loss.
I'm nearing my exit and passing cars right and left at a good pace...... not too excessive. As I overtake some little Hyundai or Civic it moves over in front of me and blocks my lane. Ok... they made an innocent mistake so I move into the other lane and go to pass. The little ******************** moves over and blocks me.... WTF? I try the other lane and again the manuever is repeated. Damn. The Sox got swept by the Yankees. The Orioles beat them up tonight and now some idiot thinks Porsches are fun to f**k with.
So I move quick and get between the idiot and the jersey barrior and accelerate. He tries to cut me off but thinks better and gives way. Unfortunately i am pissed off and I see his widely grinning face as I pass. He thinks it's a joke. So I move in front and slow down. Down down down. I try to get him to move to the shoulder with me so I can pound that young grinning face. I'm old school in that way.
Blue lights come on behind me. I pull over quickly but idiot must be coaxed over. Young professional trooper. He questions me. I admit I lost it and was trying to confront the idiot. He saw the whole thing. Lectures me on how I should have been the "bigger man" and let it go. But..... I think that he can somehow relate. He seems like a regular guy.
I await the damage. I get a verbal warning. I don't know nor care what the idiot got. But it wasn't enough.
This never happens when I'm in my truck or on my harley. But the porsche seems to trigger an aggression response in hormonally deficient idiots. But get them out of their car or truck and they're not so hot.
This is Poet reporting from the southbound lane of rte 128.
'04 Black Boxster, 18" Carerra wheels
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space."